NEWS 15-02-2022
AI4RealAg finalist in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award
The AI4RealAg project, an intelligent system capable of generating useful forecasts and information for farmers, is one of the 12 finalists of the 2021 Crédito Agrícola Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award. -
Optimizing timetables with Machine Learning
SISCOG has just published a scientific paper addressing the optimization of public transport timetables with respect to passenger’s total travel times, combining several techniques that have never been applied in the field, including reinforcement learning. The approach applied to real-world data pe… -
VIA RAIL Canada saves millions in optimized operation
SISCOG has released a case study that highlights the financial and management advantages of the decision support and optimization system used by the Canadian operator VIA RAIL. One of the benefits was a 10M CAD saving by reducing the need for one train set, while increasing overall passenger seat av… -
Rescheduling in emergency scenarios
Unexpected events bring different levels of disruptions to our lives and to businesses. Public transport is no exception. And here, the impact may be multiple – on passengers, staff, revenue, and profit. -
CREWS helps the Dutch Railways cope with extreme weather
SISCOG's CREWS-based system, an advanced tool that includes Operations Research, helps to reschedule the Dutch Railways' (NS) crew and cope with extreme weather conditions. In an article from Impact Magazine, Pieter-Jan Fioole, Senior Research Leader, and Dennis Huisman, Expertise Manager Logisti… -
The challenge of scheduling a safe arrival of trains
This challenge is addressed in the paper “The train frequency compatibility problem” co-authored by SISCOG. In the rail transport area, line planning is the widely studied problem of designing line plans for a public transportation system that meet given passenger demands. After the line planning p…